Vamo Hablar, growing up my mother would make rebortillo de hues with anything she found in the fridge, I am talking leftovers included. Why did my mother believe eggs went well with everything? We will never find out but I am grateful she taught me how to not throw away leftovers and reuse them to make memorable dishes.
This recipe is a simple rebortillo de huevos, essentially a base which you can add Bacalao (codfish), chicken, salami, or arenque (herring). This recipe can be enjoyed with yuca (cassava), Plantains, Batata (sweet potato) or rice. Let's make Huevos revueltos.
1/2 cucharada de mantequilla
1/4 taza de cebollas
1/4 taza de pimiento verde
1/4 taza de tomates
2 huevos
Sal pimienta
Hojuelas de chile rojo
1/2 tbsp butter
1/4 cup onions
1/4 cup green pepper
1/4 cup tomatoes
2 eggs
Salt & pepper
Red chili flakes
To a non-stick pan add butter, onions, peppers, tomatoes and whisked eggs.
Season with salt and pepper
Mix until eggs are cooked 1-2 mins
Optional: Add chili flakes for a kick. Enjoy.
Watch me make it: